Pet Dental Care: in dogs & cats | Dental Disease | Responsible Ownership

5 Shocking Reasons Why Pet Dental Care is so Important

5 Shocking Reasons Why Pet Dental Care is so Important

Which disease affects 87% of dogs and 70% of cats over the age of three?

The answer is: Periodontal disease. There’s one major reason right there why pet dental care is so important, because the majority of our pets suffer from some form or other of dental disease. Indeed, this isn’t a rare condition of academic interest, it’s a common problem that has a real impact on your pet’s quality of life.

February is Pet Dental Care month, a prospect you might hitherto have been less than excited about, whereas all responsible pet owners should know more about pet dental care for the reasons explained below.

#1: Gum Disease

Few people get into the habit of dog teeth cleaning. However we should because when we don’t brush food residue builds up on the surface of the dog’s teeth to form sticky plaque. The latter is bacteria rich and is the equivalent of constantly exposing their mouth to a mouth-rinse of bacteria.

Worse still, minerals in saliva react with plaque to form hard tartar deposits. Tartar pushes against the gums and causes them to recede. Another complication is bacteria in contact with the gum cause pain, inflammation, and gum recession. Nasty!

#2: Wobbly Teeth

But the horror story of poor pet dental care continues. A combination of bacteria and gum recession eats away at the dental cement and ligaments which hold the tooth root in the socket. The result is wobbly teeth which are liable to fall out.

#3: Weak Jaw Bones

Next, poor pet dental care can lead to infection tracking down the tooth roots and into the jaw bone itself. Infection in the bone weakens it considerably; to the point where some pets even suffer a broken jaw when they chew down on something hard.

Pet Dental Care

#4: Toothache

Have you experienced the misery of toothache?

Well so do our pets, only they can’t tell you it hurts. Instead they might get grumpy (as a result of pain), eat less, or stop grooming. This is why dog teeth cleaning is so important, to stop the problem getting to this stage.

#5: Risk of Blood Poisoning

One of the most serious consequences of neglected pet dental care is the risk of septicemia and organ failure. Bacteria in the mouth can get into the blood stream through those inflamed gums. If those bacteria circulate to the heart or kidneys, they can set up a potentially life-threatening infection.

So this Pet Dental Health month, why not be proactive and learn dog teeth cleaning? It’s as easy as brushing your own teeth, provided you let your pet get used to each stage of the process.

Pet Dental Brush

Here is Holly and Hugo’s quick guide to the steps of dog teeth cleaning. Take each step slowly, only moving onto the next when your pet is ready.

  • Get your dog used to you lifting his lip and handling his mouth.

  • Let him play with a soft toothbrush or finger brush

  • Once he’s used to the finger brush, starting touching it to his teeth.

  • Now gently brush one or two teeth, and tell your dog what an awesome boy he is

  • Offer some pet toothpaste on your finger for the dog to lick off (its tasty stuff!)

  • Pop some pet toothpaste onto the finger brush, and clean a tooth

  • Try cleaning more teeth

  • Clean his whole mouth 

  • Repeat daily

This February, take on board the message of Pet Dental Care month and do right by your pet by taking care of their teeth. Now there’s something to smile about.

 Pippa Elliott

Pippa Elliott, BVMS MRCVS, is a veterinarian with 27-years’ experience in companion animal practice. Pippa’s first job was in a practice by the sea, where she acquired her first (of many) waif-and-stray, a Dockyard Cat Rescue kitten, called Skate. She then worked for the PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) which is a national charity that provides veterinary care for the animals of owners with limited finance. Currently Pippa works in a Veterinary Clinic in UK.